Rhythmical Einreibungen Specialist Course - Part 6 Specialty Areas Completion of RE Parts 1-5 is required for admission to RE Part 6Instructor: Monika Layer, RN, ANS, RES Assistants: Karen Alderfer - Janice Balaskas - Anke Smeele Course content includes Rhythmical Einreibungen in relation to: cancer, palliative care, psychiatry, pre- and post-surgery, developmental disabilities and human development. We will also explore therapeutic oils, research methodology and teaching. Monika Layer has been practicing Anthroposophic Nursing since 1983. Her work experience include nursing at the Öschelbronn Anthroposophic Clinic, Filderklinic and Lukas Clinic. For more than 20 years she worked as a teacher for nurses in Germany and Switzerland, and for the last seven years she had led nursing training at the Center for Integrative Medicine at St Gallen's, Switzerland. She is concurrently a teacher in the Soleo Training. To register or inquire about this course, please write to the Course Coordinator, Karen Alderfer at naanatraining@gmail.com.