Foundation Course in Anthroposophic Nursing

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Foundation Course in Anthroposophic Nursing

The Foundation Course for Anthroposophic Nursing is designed to introduce the principles of nursing practice extended by anthroposophy that address Anthroposophic Foundations of Nursing Care, to include:

    • Nursing Process through the anthroposophic understanding of the human being as body, soul and spirit. To deepen knowledge and awareness of the concepts of :
      the four-fold (physical, etheric, soul and spirit);
      the three-fold (nerve sense, rhythmic and metabolic systems);
      the seven life processes;
      the importance of warmth;
      the four temperaments;
      and the cycles of growth and development throughout human life, including the physical as well as soul and spirit.
    • Spiritual Basis for Nursing Care through self-development and the Twelve Nursing Gestures (developing a therapeutic mood for self and client).
    • Spiritual Understanding of Health and Illness: working with balancing polarities through nursing care and promoting healing of body and soul.
    • Working with Botanicals: plant observation and practice of various therapeutic external applications with plant substances, to include compresses and rhythmic oil applications.

To be eligible for Certification as an Anthroposophic Nurse the following requirements must be met:

    • Current license as a registered nurse
    • Attendance at the Foundation Course in Anthroposophic Nursing for three years
    • Work with a mentor for two years
    • Complete required papers, plant-study, nursing care reports and documentation of self-study  
    • Satisfactory assessment of practical skills and knowledge conducted during the third year of training

Registered nurses and others who seek  knowledge and self development, but are not interested in certification are also welcome to attend the week long courses, but will not be eligible for certification without complete compliance with self-study and course requirements.

The course is accredited by the International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing (IFAN) in the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. IFAN represents national professional Anthroposophic Nursing Organizations worldwide.


Anthroposophic Nursing is based on a holistic view of the human being, his/her social and natural environments and the spiritual dimension of existence. Since 1923 numerous concepts have been developed that demonstrate the nursing needs of the human being in health and sickness and their social and cultural implications. Working with these concepts has led to an approach to nursing that is filled with life and values and treats patients as dignified human beings. This kind of nursing requires skills which are conveyed in training courses. Private study and the professional practice accompany the process of lifelong learning and of professional and personal development.

The accreditation serves to acknowledge training programs in Anthroposophic Nursing. It guarantees the equivalence of training and further training programs of all institutions that are closely connected to the International Forum for Anthroposophic Nursing 

This course does not extend the professional practice of any participant in attendance beyond that which they already have certification or license.  The educational content of this course is consistent with anthroposophic theory and practice. The information provided in this course is intended to be used in a professional setting as part of a nursing care plan grounded in physical assessment, or under the guidance of a licensed professional. Licensed professionals should familiarize themselves with their state practice guidelines. Non-licensed care givers should familiarize themselves with the policies and standards of the institution in which they work. Participants who administer self-care or care for family members out of these principles are strongly encouraged to consult with a professional health care practitioner in the case of illness.

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